Saturday, November 26, 2011

nice car

this model car is very casly.
but nice colur& nice seap.

very smal animal

this animal is vey smal.      but very butyfull.
very enresting animal & nice pioctur.

bite sneg

this sneg live in najinatheevu.
bery bety fully& very  loang sneg.
this animal very dengeras but very use full.

this snegs good animel.

10 het sneg

This sneg is very dengers...
ten het& loan neel . very atragsan of sneg.
what very betyfully snegs.,
                                      this sneg, live in srilanka (tholpuram)

loang fish

this photo in fish is very loan,   20 yers old of fish.
very miragalof atigal& very power of fish.

road of artigal

this photos very bety full.
very marakal of aartygal& very use entey ment.

miragcal of frut

this frut live in srilanka.
this ,  furuts a very tall & very betyfull
this, fruts very emportant of life// > animals fevarit tree is this rees.

exra photos,